100 Tips for Farm Wives and Husbands
100 Tips for Farm Wives and Husbands
Romance on the farm has got to be pretty idyllic, right? You may think differently when the cows are out, or you are splashed head to toe in muck, or your partner falls asleep over dinner with friends. Follow these tips to ensure harmony and keep the lovin’ fresh.
This is the perfect gift book for all wives, husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends of farmers. Complete with 15-20 fun illustrations
Three Examples of Tips:
1. When your farmer needs help for ‘five minutes’, don’t growl; smile and accept your fate. Don’t dash out in Crocs thinking it’ll be a quick ‘stopping a gap’, because something will go wrong and it’ll take at least an hour.
‘Five minutes’ is farmspeak for ‘see you at sunset’.
2. ‘Want to come for a drive?’ means you’ll drive while your farmer peers over all the hedges, giving a full running commentary on every single field as you drive by.
3. Never share a clothesline or kitchen with an in-law or you’ll become outlaws very quickly. People tend to have their personal and defined standards regarding the hanging out of clothes and the filling of a dishwasher.
Measures 4.3 in x 6.3 in